Friday, April 4, 2008

living the (bitter)sweet life.

i remember the last post, but don't quite remember when i posted it, but i know it's been a while-ish. at least as far as blogs go. i think i updated my xanga page or something and got distracted.

that and there was nothing really new to update the masses (read: the nonexistant readership of this blog) with.

but... now that i've had a pretty darn eventful weekend under my belt, it might be a good time to update.

lets start with friday. I cleaned at S&L's place like usual, but then I had to rush to get home since i was supposed to be at John Knox at 5:30 for upperleadership training.

i'm suprised i actually made it there in about 4.5 hours because I ran into a bad wreck on 35 south of denton, then i stopped at home to take a quick shower and eat a sandwich, and i got stuck behind slow people on the roads to camp (but that ALWAYS happens).

so after running around camp for 10 minutes, i finally figured out where everyone else was. (it's not a small camp either!) and i found out i wasn't even the last one there even though i was half an hour late.

ronnie made us delicious hamburgers (although rumor has it he made tortilla soup for another group, but not us... dang!) and we mainly just caught up. after dinner we played some games, and chatted some more, and then we did a short devotional and maybe some other stuff.

we were sleeping in red oak, guys on one side, girls on the other. well I was the only girl! dang. it was kind of lonely. but next time jeanna and alex will be there i'm sure.
saturday morning we had pancakes and got down to work on talking about the summer and what we had in mind for it. lunch was sandwiches, and then we got out about 3pm.

i don't really think we got a whole lot done for what i was expecting, but i guess we did get to know eachother a little better, which is important if we're going to be working together to run the camp this summer.

so i came home saturday and was just planning on chilling out (my parents ran off to some church dinner thing) but decided to make a quick HEB (oh, how i have missed thee HEB) trip to get some ever-addictive Pomegranate Italain Soda. Well who should I run into there but stacey gibson. I helped her track down cups (next to the laundry detergent really?) for making jello shots, and she invited to me to jose's surprise birthday party that she was throwing. I know him from church, didn't have anything else to do, and a little free booze never hurt anyone. so i went home, got ready, and headed over to their apartment.

the only people i knew there were stacey, laura and jose, everyone else was one of jose's poker buddies, or part of the sanchez family, so i thought i was in for an awkward night, but after getting some drinking games going, it wasn't awkward at all.

after tapping the keg, making a trip for more cups and a ping pong ball, we started a game of beer pong. which needless to say, i BEASTED at. i sunk 5 out of the other teams 6 cups. and sunk the game winning point. CHYEAH!

after that point i earned the nickname Cedar Park. (i guess cedar park-ers are big drinkers. well i didn't learn it there, i didn't drink in high school, but i guess they didn't know that)

after the game it was getting pretty late (well early... i guess) and since most people either had church (i know, we're going to hell) or work in the morning most people started heading out. i stuck around for a while longer, and ended up talking with one of jose's friends cody for a while and we exchanged numbers before he left.

eventually i headed out too, i was planning on spending the night, but it just didn't feel right, and i think i might have pissed stacey off inadvertantly somehow and she wasn't talking to me. oh well. (completely sober at this point. i'm not a drinker and driver!)

sunday i went to church and then afterwards went and ate a thundercloud downtown with lisa (my amazing, gorgeous, fabulous best friend) and we talked about guatemala some. then i got to see her new bearded lizards that she bought. their names are Pink and Floyd. (although i found out now, that they are sick, so she might be getting new ones :-( ) but anyways, they're awesome! they're so cute, and they wave at eachother. bahaha.

sunday night me and my brother went and helped our dad lead sr. high youth group. we did a little piece on budgeting and how much stuff actually costs and the importance of saving and tithing. it was fun.

monday morning i drove home (i mean back to denton) and thought i was going to get into some rain but never did, (thanks, God, you KNOW how much i hate driving in rain) and monday night we went to Speed Zone (used to be malibu grand prix) and did some go-kart racing. probably the most fun i've had in a long time. i laughed seriously the whole way when i was driving.

i never really thought much about exchanging numbers with cody since i dont't really do that great of a job of keeping in touch with people, and i figured i wouldn't be seeing him soon, but we've been texting everyday, and on wednesday night we had a freaking texting marathon, we just texted for 4 hours straight. (it was fun, but my bill is going to SUCK!) i don't know if that's going anywhere. but it's just fun to talk to him for now.

he's coming up tomorrow for the races and staying through sunday and we're supposed to hang out (and he's bringing my camera that i left) so that should be fun anyways.

wow this is the longest blog ever.
the end.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

so did you guys ever end up hanging out? :)!